Source code for pytools.sphinx.util._util

Implementation of sphinx utility callbacks specific to building Gamma documentation.

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import itertools
import logging
import re
import typing
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from import Callable, Generator, Iterable, Mapping
from inspect import getattr_static
from re import Pattern
from types import FunctionType, GenericAlias, MethodType, UnionType
from typing import Any, ForwardRef, Generic, TypeVar, Union, cast, get_type_hints

import typing_inspect

from ...api import (
from ...meta import SingletonABCMeta
from .. import (

    # import sphinx classes if available ...
    from docutils.nodes import Element, Text
    from sphinx.application import Sphinx
except ImportError:
    # ... otherwise mock them up

    # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,PyUnusedLocal,SpellCheckingInspection
    class _Element:
        children: list[Element]
        attributes: dict[str, Any]

        def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            raise TypeError("docutils package is not installed")

        def replace(self, old: Element, new: Element) -> None: ...  # noqa: E704

    # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring,SpellCheckingInspection
    class _Text(_Element):
        rawsource: str

        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
        def astext(self) -> str:  # type: ignore

    Sphinx = type("Sphinx", (object,), {})
    Element = _Element
    Text = _Text

# Constants

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Exported names

__all__ = [

# Type variables

method_descriptor: type[Any] = type(str.startswith)
wrapper_descriptor: type[Any] = type(str.__add__)
internal_function_or_method: type[Any] = type(iter)

# Constants


# Ensure all symbols introduced below are included in __all__

__tracker = AllTracker(globals())

[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class AddInheritance(AutodocProcessDocstring): """ Add list of base classes as the first line of the docstring. Ignore builtin classes and classes that have already been visited once before. """ def __init__(self, collapsible_submodules: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: """ :param collapsible_submodules: mapping of submodule paths to shorter *(collapsed)* versions they should be replaced with """ super().__init__() self.collapsible_submodules = collapsible_submodules #: Dict mapping visited classes to their unprocessed docstrings. self._visited: dict[type, str] = {} #: Field directive for base classes. F_BASES = ":bases:" #: Field directive for generic types. F_GENERICS = ":generic types:" #: Field directive for metaclasses. F_METACLASSES = ":metaclasses:"
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, lines: list[str], ) -> None: """[see superclass]""" if what != "class": return # add bases and generics documentation to class # generate the RST for bases and generics class_ = cast(type, obj) _current_lines = "\n".join(lines) try: _seen_lines = self._visited[class_] if _current_lines != _seen_lines: # we are seeing another part of the docstring, probably in __init__ # vs. the class docstring; # ignore this to prevent adding the same content at two places return except KeyError: # we are seeing a class for the first time; store its content, so we can # detect and allow repeat visits self._visited[class_] = _current_lines bases_lines: list[str] = [""] bases: list[type] = _get_minimal_bases(class_) if bases: base_names = (self._class_name_with_generics(base) for base in bases) bases_lines.append(f'{AddInheritance.F_BASES} {", ".join(base_names)}') generics: list[str] = self._get_generics(class_) if generics: bases_lines.append(f'{AddInheritance.F_GENERICS} {", ".join(generics)}') metaclasses: list[str] = self._get_metaclasses(class_) if metaclasses: bases_lines.append( f'{AddInheritance.F_METACLASSES} {", ".join(metaclasses)}' ) bases_lines.append("") # insert this after the intro text, and before class parameters self._insert_bases_lines(bases_lines, lines)
@staticmethod def _insert_bases_lines(bases_lines: list[str], lines: list[str]) -> None: def _insert_position() -> int: for n, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r"\s*:\w+(?:\s+\w+)*:", line) and ( n == 0 or not lines[n - 1].strip() ): return n return len(lines) if len(bases_lines) > 0: pos = _insert_position() lines[pos:pos] = bases_lines def _class_module(self, cls: type) -> str: module_name: str = public_module_prefix(cls.__module__) # return the collapsed submodule if it exists, # else return the unchanged module name return self.collapsible_submodules.get(module_name, module_name) def _full_name(self, cls: type) -> str: # get the full name of the class, including the module prefix return f"{self._class_module(cls)}.{_class_name(cls)}" def _class_name_with_generics(self, cls: Any) -> str: def _class_tag( name: str, *, is_class: bool = True, is_local: bool = False, is_short: bool = False, ) -> str: if is_local: name = f".{name}" if is_short: name = f"~{name}" if is_class: return f":class:`{name}`" else: return f":obj:`{name}`" if isinstance(cls, TypeVar): return str(cls) if isinstance(cls, ForwardRef): if cls.__forward_evaluated__: cls = cls.__forward_value__ else: return _class_tag(cls.__forward_arg__, is_local=True) if not hasattr(cls, "__module__"): return _class_tag(str(cls)) if cls.__module__ in ("__builtin__", "builtins"): return _class_tag(cls.__name__) else: generic_args = [ self._class_name_with_generics(arg) for arg in typing_inspect.get_args(cls, evaluate=True) ] generic_arg_str = f" [{', '.join(generic_args)}]" if generic_args else "" return ( _class_tag( self._full_name(cls), is_class=isinstance(cls, type), is_short=True ) + generic_arg_str ) def _typevar_name(self, cls: TypeVar) -> str: if isinstance(cls, TypeVar): args: list[str] = [ self._class_name_with_generics(c) for c in getattr(cls, "__constraints__", ()) ] if getattr(cls, "__bound__", None): args.append(f"bound= {self._class_name_with_generics(cls.__bound__)}") return f'{cls}({", ".join(args)})' if args else str(cls) else: return str(cls) def _get_generics(self, child_class: type) -> list[str]: return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( self._typevar_name(arg) for arg in typing_inspect.get_args(base, evaluate=True) ) for base in _get_generic_bases(child_class) if typing_inspect.get_origin(base) is Generic ) ) def _get_metaclasses(self, class_: type) -> list[str]: return [ self._class_name_with_generics(meta_) for meta_ in _get_bases(type(class_), include_subclass=True) if meta_ is not type ]
[docs]class CollapseModulePaths(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Replace private module paths with their public prefix so that object references can be matched by *intersphinx*. """ # matches a full name of an object, including the preceding module path with at # least one private submodule (starting with a "_") directly preceding the item # name __RE_PRIVATE_MODULE_AND_ITEM = re.compile( r"\b(?# we start with a word break so we match full words)" r"(?# public module path)(\w+(?:\.\w+)*?)" r"(?# private module path)((?:\._\w+)+)" r"\." r"(?# item name)(\w+(?![.\w]))" ) def __init__( self, collapsible_submodules: Mapping[str, str], collapse_private_modules: bool = True, ) -> None: """ :param collapsible_submodules: mapping from module paths to their public prefix, e.g., ``{"pandas.core.frame": "pandas"}`` :param collapse_private_modules: if ``True``, collapse module sub-paths consisting of one or more protected modules (i.e. the module name starts with an underscore) """ super().__init__() self._classes_visited: set[type] = set() col = [ self._make_substitution_pattern(old.replace(".", r"\."), new) for old, new in collapsible_submodules.items() ] self._intersphinx_collapsible_prefixes: list[tuple[Pattern[str], str]] = col self._collapse_private_modules = collapse_private_modules @abstractmethod def _make_substitution_pattern( self, old: str, new: str ) -> tuple[Pattern[str], str]: # create the regex substitution rule given a raw match and replacement patterns pass
[docs] def collapse_module_paths(self, line: str) -> str: """ In the given line, replace all module paths with their collapsed version. :param line: the line in which to collapse module paths :return: the resulting line with collapsed module paths """ if self._collapse_private_modules: line = self._collapse_private_module_paths(line) for expanded, collapsed in self._intersphinx_collapsible_prefixes: line = expanded.sub(collapsed, line) return line
@staticmethod def _collapse_private_module_paths(line: str) -> str: for ( # e.g., "pytools.expression" public_module_path, # e.g., "._expression" private_module_path, # e.g., "Expression" item_name, ) in CollapseModulePaths.__RE_PRIVATE_MODULE_AND_ITEM.findall(line): module_path = public_module_path + private_module_path collapsed_path = public_module_path try: module = importlib.import_module(name=module_path) item = vars(module)[item_name] collapsed_path = item.__publicmodule__ except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: pass except ModuleNotFoundError: pass line = line.replace( f"{module_path}.{item_name}", f"{collapsed_path}.{item_name}" ) return line
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class CollapseModulePathsInDocstring(CollapseModulePaths, AutodocProcessDocstring): """ Replace private module paths in docstrings with their public prefix so that object references can be matched by *intersphinx*. """
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, lines: list[str], ) -> None: """[see superclass]""" for i, line in enumerate(lines): lines[i] = self.collapse_module_paths(line)
def _make_substitution_pattern( self, old: str, new: str ) -> tuple[Pattern[str], str]: return re.compile(f"(`~?){old}"), f"\\1{new}"
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class CollapseModulePathsInSignature(CollapseModulePaths, AutodocProcessSignature): """ Replace private module paths in signatures with their public prefix so that object references can be matched by *intersphinx*. """
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, signature: str | None, return_annotation: str | None, ) -> tuple[str | None, str | None] | None: """[see superclass]""" if signature or return_annotation: return ( self.collapse_module_paths(signature) if signature else None, ( self.collapse_module_paths(return_annotation) if return_annotation else None ), ) return None
def _make_substitution_pattern( self, old: str, new: str ) -> tuple[Pattern[str], str]: return re.compile(old), new
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class CollapseModulePathsInXRef(ObjectDescriptionTransform, CollapseModulePaths): # noinspection GrazieInspection """ Replace private module paths in documentation cross-references with their public prefix so that object references can be matched by *intersphinx*, and module paths correspond to what users are expected to use in their code. """ # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, domain: str, objtype: str, contentnode: Element ) -> None: """[see superclass]""" if domain == "py" and objtype == "class": self._process_children(contentnode)
def _process_children(self, parent_node: Element) -> None: self._process_child(parent_node) try: children: Iterable[Element] = parent_node.children except AttributeError: # parent node is not an Element instance return for child_node in children: self._process_children(child_node) def _process_child(self, content_node: Element) -> None: if type(content_node).__name__ == "pending_xref" and tuple( type(c).__name__ for c in content_node.children ) == ("Text",): text_node: Text = cast(Text, content_node.children[0]) text = text_node.astext() text_collapsed: str = self.collapse_module_paths(text) if text_collapsed != text: text_collapsed = text_collapsed.replace( f'{content_node.attributes["py:module"]}.', "" ) content_node.replace( old=text_node, new=type(text_node)( data=text_collapsed, rawsource=text_node.rawsource ), ) def _make_substitution_pattern( self, old: str, new: str ) -> tuple[Pattern[str], str]: return re.compile(old), new
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class SkipIndirectImports(AutodocSkipMember, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ Skip members imported by a private package. """
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, skip: bool, options: object, ) -> bool | None: """[see superclass]""" if not skip and what == "module" and name.startswith("_"):"skipping: {what}: {name}") return False return None
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class Replace3rdPartyDoc(AutodocProcessDocstring, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ Replace 3rd party docstrings with a reference to the 3rd party documentation. This is necessary for methods and attributes inherited from 3rd party packages, as these might use an incompatible format for docstrings. """ __RE_ROOT_PACKAGE = re.compile(r"\w+(?=\.)") __RST_DIRECTIVE = { "module": "mod", "class": "class", "exception": "exception", "function": "func", "method": "meth", "attribute": "attr", "property": "attr", }
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, lines: list[str], ) -> None: """[see superclass]""" if what == "attribute": # we cannot determine docstrings for attributes, as the object represents # the value of the attribute, and not the attribute itself mod_obj_attr = name.rsplit(".", 2) if len(mod_obj_attr) == 3: mod_name, obj_name, _ = mod_obj_attr obj = getattr(importlib.import_module(mod_name), obj_name) else: log.debug(f"could not determine module for {name}") return elif what == "property": obj = cast(property, obj).fget try: # if the object has an __objclass__ attribute, use that to determine the # module obj_module = getattr(obj, "__objclass__", obj).__module__ except AttributeError: log.debug(f"could not determine module for {name}") return name_root_package = self.__root_package(name) obj_root_package = self.__root_package(obj_module) if obj_module else None if name_root_package != obj_root_package: # replace 3rd party docstring with cross-reference directive = Replace3rdPartyDoc.__RST_DIRECTIVE.get(what, what) if not isinstance( obj, ( FunctionType, MethodType, method_descriptor, wrapper_descriptor, internal_function_or_method, ), ): log.warning(f"{obj!r}:{type(obj)} is not a function or method") return if not obj_module or obj_module == "builtins": full_name = obj.__qualname__ else: full_name = f"{public_module_prefix(obj_module)}.{obj.__qualname__}" del lines[:] lines.append(f"See :{directive}:`{full_name}`")
@staticmethod def __root_package(name: str) -> str: root_package_match = Replace3rdPartyDoc.__RE_ROOT_PACKAGE.match(name) return root_package_match[0] if root_package_match else ""
# # auxiliary functions # def _get_bases(subclass: type, include_subclass: bool) -> Generator[type, None, None]: # get the names of the immediate base classes of arg _subclass visited_classes: set[type] = set() def _inner(_subclass: type, _include_subclass: bool) -> Generator[type, None, None]: # ensure we have the non-generic origin class _subclass = typing_inspect.get_origin(_subclass) or _subclass if _subclass in visited_classes: return visited_classes.add(_subclass) # get the base classes; try generic bases first then fall back to regular # bases base_classes: tuple[type, ...] = ( _get_generic_bases(_subclass) or _subclass.__bases__ ) # include the _subclass itself in the list of bases, if requested if _include_subclass: # noinspection PyTypeChecker base_classes = (_subclass, *base_classes) # get the names of all base classes; go up the class hierarchy in case of # hidden classes for base in base_classes: # exclude object and Generic types if base is object or typing_inspect.get_origin(base) is Generic: continue # exclude protected classes elif _class_name(base).startswith("_"): yield from _inner(base, _include_subclass=False) # all other classes will be listed as bases else: yield base return _inner(subclass, _include_subclass=include_subclass) def _get_minimal_bases(class_: type) -> list[type]: bases_with_origin = [ (base, typing_inspect.get_origin(base) or base) for base in set(_get_bases(class_, include_subclass=False)) ] return [ base for base, origin in bases_with_origin if not any( origin is not other and issubclass(other, origin) for _, other in bases_with_origin ) ] def _class_name(cls: Any) -> str: return cast(str, _class_attr(cls=cls, attr=["__qualname__", "__name__", "_name"])) def _class_attr(cls: Any, attr: list[str]) -> Any: def _get_attr(_cls: type) -> Any: # we try to get the class attribute for attr_name in attr: attr_value = getattr(_cls, attr_name, None) if attr_value is not None: return attr_value # if the attribute is not defined, this class is likely to have generic # arguments, so we re-try recursively with the origin (unless the origin # is the class itself to avoid infinite recursion) cls_origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(_cls) if cls_origin is not None and cls_origin != _cls: return _get_attr(cls_origin) else: # as a last resort, we create the default value raise AttributeError( f"none of the attributes not found in class {cls}: {', '.join(attr)}" ) return _get_attr(_cls=typing.get_origin(cls) or cls) class _TypeVarBindings: current_class: type[Any] _bindings: dict[ type[Any], dict[ TypeVar, type[Any] | TypeVar, ], ] def __init__(self, current_class: type[Any]) -> None: super().__init__() self.current_class = current_class self._bindings = self._get_parameter_bindings( cls=current_class, subclass_bindings={} ) def resolve_parameter( self, defining_class: type[Any], parameter: TypeVar ) -> type[Any] | TypeVar: """ Resolve a type parameter, substituting it with an actual type if the parameter is bound to a type argument in the context of the current class; otherwise return the parameter unchanged. :param defining_class: the class that introduced the type parameter; this is the current class itself, or a base class of the current class :param parameter: the type variable :return: the resolved parameter if bound to a type argument; else the original parameter as a type variable """ return self._bindings.get(defining_class, {}).get(parameter, parameter) def _get_parameter_bindings( self, cls: type[Any], subclass_bindings: dict[TypeVar, type[Any] | TypeVar], ) -> dict[type[Any], dict[TypeVar, type[Any] | TypeVar]]: # get type variable bindings for all generic types defined in the class # hierarchy of the given parent class, applying the given bindings derived from # child classes # if arg cls has generic type parameters, it will have a corresponding cls_origin: type[Any] | None = None if typing_inspect.is_generic_type(cls): cls_origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(cls) class_bindings: dict[TypeVar, type[Any] | TypeVar] if cls_origin: class_bindings = { param: subclass_bindings.get(arg, arg) if subclass_bindings else arg for param, arg in zip( typing_inspect.get_parameters(cls_origin), typing_inspect.get_args(cls), ) } cls = cls_origin else: # this class has no generic parameters of itself, so we adopt the existing # parameter bindings from the subclass(es) class_bindings = subclass_bindings superclass_bindings = { superclass: bindings for generic_superclass in _get_generic_bases(cls) for superclass, bindings in ( self._get_parameter_bindings( cls=generic_superclass, subclass_bindings=class_bindings ).items() ) if bindings } if cls_origin: # we have generic type parameters in this class, so we remember the # associated bindings return {cls_origin: class_bindings, **superclass_bindings} else: # we have no generic type parameters in this class, so we return the # parameter bindings of the superclasses return superclass_bindings
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class ResolveTypeVariables(AutodocBeforeProcessSignature, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ Resolve type variables that can be inferred through generic class parameters or ``self``/``cls`` special arguments. For example, the Sphinx documentation for the inherited method ``B.f`` in the following example will be rendered with the signature ``(int) -> int``: .. code-block:: python T = TypeVar("T") class A(Generic[T]): def f(x: T) -> T: return x class B(A[int]): pass """ original_signatures: dict[Any, dict[str, type[Any] | TypeVar]] _current_class: type[Any] | None _current_class_bindings: _TypeVarBindings | None _track_current_class: TrackCurrentClass def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.original_signatures = {} self._current_class = None self._current_class_bindings = None self._track_current_class = TrackCurrentClass()
[docs] def connect(self, app: Sphinx, priority: int | None = None) -> int: """[see superclass]""" if TrackCurrentClass().app is not app: raise RuntimeError( f"connect {TrackCurrentClass.__name__}() to the same app " f"before connecting {ResolveTypeVariables.__name__}()" ) return super().connect(app, priority)
def _resolve_function_signature( self, bindings: _TypeVarBindings, func: FunctionType ) -> None: # get the class in which the method has been defined defining_class_opt: type[Any] | None = self._get_defining_class(func) if defining_class_opt is None: # missing or unknown defining class: nothing to resolve in the signature return defining_class: type = defining_class_opt # get the original signature and convert it to a list of (name, type) tuples signature_original_items = list(self._get_original_signature(func).items()) def _get_self_or_cls_type_substitution() -> ( tuple[TypeVar, type[Any]] | tuple[None, None] ): if signature_original_items: method_type = self._get_method_type(defining_class, func) if method_type is METHOD_TYPE_DYNAMIC: # special case: we substitute type vars bound to the class # when assigned to the 'self' or 'cls' parameters of methods _, arg_0_type = signature_original_items[0] if typing_inspect.is_typevar(arg_0_type): return cast(TypeVar, arg_0_type), bindings.current_class elif method_type is METHOD_TYPE_CLASS: # special case: we substitute type vars bound to the class # when assigned to the 'self' or 'cls' parameters of methods _, arg_0_type = signature_original_items[0] if ( typing_inspect.is_generic_type(arg_0_type) and typing_inspect.get_origin(arg_0_type) is type ): arg_0_type_args = typing_inspect.get_args(arg_0_type) if len(arg_0_type_args) == 1 and typing_inspect.is_typevar( arg_0_type_args[0] ): return arg_0_type_args[0], bindings.current_class return None, None arg_0_type_var: TypeVar | None arg_0_substitute: type[Any] | None arg_0_type_var, arg_0_substitute = _get_self_or_cls_type_substitution() def _substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression( type_expression: type[Any] | TypeVar, ) -> type[Any] | TypeVar: # recursively substitute type vars with their resolutions if isinstance(type_expression, TypeVar): if type_expression == arg_0_type_var: # special case: substitute a type variable introduced by the # initial self/cls argument of a dynamic or class method assert arg_0_substitute is not None return arg_0_substitute else: # resolve type variables defined by Generic[] in the # class hierarchy return bindings.resolve_parameter(defining_class, type_expression) else: # dynamically resolve type variables inside nested type expressions return _substitute_generic_type_arguments( type_expression=type_expression, fn_substitute_type_vars=_substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression, ) # get the actual signature object that we will modify signature = func.__annotations__ if not signature: return for name, tp in signature_original_items: signature[name] = _substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression(tp) def _resolve_attribute_signatures(self, cls: type[Any]) -> None: assert self._current_class_bindings is not None bindings: _TypeVarBindings = self._current_class_bindings def _substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression( type_expression: type[Any] | TypeVar, ) -> type[Any] | TypeVar: # recursively substitute type vars with their resolutions if isinstance(type_expression, TypeVar): # resolve type variables defined by Generic[] in the # class hierarchy return bindings.resolve_parameter(cls, type_expression) else: return _substitute_generic_type_arguments( type_expression=type_expression, fn_substitute_type_vars=_substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression, ) annotations = getattr(cls, "__annotations__", None) if annotations: cls.__annotations__ = { attr: _substitute_type_vars_in_type_expression(annotation) for attr, annotation in annotations.items() } @staticmethod def _get_defining_class(method: FunctionType) -> type[Any] | None: # get the class that defined the callable if "." not in method.__qualname__: # this is a function, not a method return None method_container: str if method.__qualname__.endswith(f".{method.__name__}"): method_container = method.__qualname__[: -len(method.__name__) - 1] else: method_container = method.__qualname__[: method.__qualname__.rfind(".")] try: return cast( type[Any], eval( method_container, importlib.import_module(method.__module__).__dict__, ), ) except NameError: # we could not find the container of the given method in the method's global # namespace - this is likely an inherited method where the parent class # sits in a different module log.debug( f"failed to find container '{method.__module__}.{method_container}' " f"of method '{method.__name__}'" ) return None @staticmethod def _get_method_type(defining_class: type[Any], func: FunctionType) -> int: # do we have a static or class method? try: raw_func = getattr_static(defining_class, func.__name__) if isinstance(raw_func, staticmethod): return METHOD_TYPE_STATIC elif isinstance(raw_func, classmethod): return METHOD_TYPE_CLASS except AttributeError: # this should not happen, but we try to handle this gracefully log.warning( f"failed to look up method {func.__name__!r} " f"in class {defining_class.__name__}" ) return METHOD_TYPE_DYNAMIC def _get_original_signature( self, func: FunctionType ) -> dict[str, type[Any] | TypeVar]: # get the original signature as defined in the code signature_original: dict[str, type[Any] | TypeVar] try: signature_original = self.original_signatures[func] except KeyError: signature_original = get_type_hints(func) self.original_signatures[func] = signature_original return signature_original
[docs] def process(self, app: Sphinx, obj: Any, bound_method: bool) -> None: """[see superclass]""" self._update_current_class(self._track_current_class.current_class) if isinstance(obj, FunctionType): # instance method definitions are unbound, so we need to determine # the class we are currently in from context bindings: _TypeVarBindings | None if obj.__name__ == obj.__qualname__: # this is a function, not a method return defining_class = self._get_defining_class(obj) assert ( defining_class is not None ), f"function {obj.__qualname__} has a defining class" if obj.__name__ in ["__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__new__"] or ( obj.__name__ == "__call__" and issubclass(defining_class, type) ): # special case of class initializer, this usually means that we are # starting to document a new class, or refer to a special method # of a metaclass bindings = self._update_current_class(defining_class) else: bindings = self._current_class_bindings assert ( bindings is not None ), f"bindings are in place for function {obj.__qualname__}" assert issubclass(bindings.current_class, defining_class), ( f"current class {bindings.current_class.__name__} " f"is a subclass of the class of unbound method {obj.__qualname__}, " f"class={defining_class}" ) self._resolve_function_signature(bindings=bindings, func=obj) elif isinstance(obj, MethodType): # class method definitions are bound, so we can infer the current class cls = obj.__self__ assert isinstance(cls, type), "methods are class methods" bindings = self._current_class_bindings assert ( bindings is not None ), "bindings expected to be in place when processing a bound method" assert ( bindings.current_class is cls ), "bindings expected to be for the correct class" self._resolve_function_signature( bindings=bindings, func=cast(FunctionType, obj.__func__) )
def _update_current_class(self, cls: type[Any] | None) -> _TypeVarBindings | None: if cls is None: return None bindings: _TypeVarBindings | None = self._current_class_bindings if bindings is None or bindings.current_class is not cls: # we're visiting a new class log.debug(f"visiting new class {cls.__name__}") # create a TypeVar bindings object for this class bindings = self._current_class_bindings = _TypeVarBindings(cls) # and resolve type variables in type annotations for class attributes self._resolve_attribute_signatures(cls=cls) return bindings
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class TrackCurrentClass(AutodocProcessSignature, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ Keep track of the class currently being processed by autodoc. This is required to attribute unbound methods to the correct class, e.g., in class :class:`.ResolveTypeVariables`. """ #: The class currently being processed by autodoc. current_class: type[Any] | None def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.current_class = None
[docs] def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, signature: str | None, return_annotation: str | None, ) -> tuple[str | None, str | None] | None: """[see superclass]""" if what == "class": cls = cast(type, obj) self.current_class = cls return None
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class RenamePrivateArguments(AutodocBeforeProcessSignature, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ Rename private argument names to their original names given in the source code. For example, arg ``__x`` of method ``f`` in .. code-block:: python class A: def f(self, __x: int) -> None: ... will be renamed from its internal, private name ``_A__x`` back to ``__x``. """
[docs] def process(self, app: Sphinx, obj: Any, bound_method: bool) -> None: """[see superclass]""" if not (bound_method or isinstance(obj, FunctionType)): return # get the name of the module or class that the function is a member of try: containers = obj.__qualname__.split(".") except AttributeError: return if len(containers) < 2: return private_prefix = f"_{containers[-2]}__" def get_public_name(name: str) -> str: if name.startswith(private_prefix): return name[len(private_prefix) - 2 :] else: return name # get the original signature try: annotations: dict[str, Any] = obj.__annotations__ except AttributeError: annotations = {} annotations_original = list(annotations.items()) for name, annotation in annotations_original: public_name = get_public_name(name) if public_name is not name: del annotations[name] annotations[public_name] = annotation try: code = obj.__code__ arg_and_variable_names = code.co_varnames if any(name.startswith(private_prefix) for name in arg_and_variable_names): obj.__code__ = code.replace( co_varnames=tuple( get_public_name(name) for name in arg_and_variable_names ), ) except AttributeError: pass
[docs]@inheritdoc(match="""[see superclass]""") class UpdateForwardReferences(AutodocProcessSignature, metaclass=SingletonABCMeta): """ A Sphinx autodoc process signature that updates forward references in the docstring of a class. """
[docs] @subsdoc( # match and delete the row that declares :return: # remember this is a multiline string, so we need to match the whole line pattern=r"\s*:return:.*", replacement="", using=AutodocProcessSignature.process, ) def process( self, app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: object, options: object, signature: str | None, return_annotation: str | None, ) -> None: """[see superclass]""" if what == "class": try: update_forward_references(cast(type, obj)) except Exception as e: log.error(f"failed to update forward references for {name}: {e}") # print the traceback to the console import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise return None
# # validate __all__ # __tracker.validate() def _substitute_generic_type_arguments( type_expression: type[Any] | TypeVar, fn_substitute_type_vars: typing.Callable[ [type[Any] | TypeVar], type[Any] | TypeVar ], ) -> type[Any] | TypeVar: # dynamically resolve type variables inside nested type expressions type_args: tuple[list[type[Any] | TypeVar] | type[Any] | TypeVar, ...] = ( typing_inspect.get_args(type_expression) ) if type_args: if isinstance(type_expression, UnionType): type_expression = Union[type_args[0], type_args[1]] return _copy_generic_type_with_arguments( type_expression=type_expression, new_arguments=tuple( ( list(map(fn_substitute_type_vars, arg)) if isinstance(arg, list) else fn_substitute_type_vars(arg) ) for arg in type_args ), ) else: return type_expression def _copy_generic_type_with_arguments( type_expression: type[Any] | TypeVar, new_arguments: tuple[list[type[Any] | TypeVar] | type[Any] | TypeVar, ...], ) -> type[Any] | TypeVar: # create a copy of the given type expression, replacing its type arguments with # the given new arguments origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(type_expression) assert origin is not None try: copy_with: Callable[ [ tuple[ list[type[Any] | TypeVar] | type[Any] | TypeVar, ..., ] ], type[Any] | TypeVar, ] = type_expression.copy_with # type: ignore except AttributeError: # this is a generic type that does not support copying return cast(type[Any], origin[new_arguments]) # unpack callable args, since copy_with() expects a flat tuple # (arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_n, return) # instead of ([arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_n], return) if (origin is and isinstance(new_arguments[0], list): new_arguments = (*new_arguments[0], *new_arguments[1:]) return copy_with(new_arguments) def _get_generic_bases(class_: type) -> tuple[type, ...]: """ Bugfix version of :func:`typing_inspect.get_generic_bases`. Prevents getting the generic bases of the parent class if not defined for the given class. :param class_: class to get the generic bases for :return: the generic base classes of the given class """ bases: tuple[type, ...] = typing_inspect.get_generic_bases(class_) if not isinstance( class_, GenericAlias ) and bases is typing_inspect.get_generic_bases(super(class_, class_)): return () else: return bases