About the project#

What is ARTKIT for?#

ARTKIT is an Python framework for building fast, flexible, robust pipelines to automate testing and evaluation of Gen AI systems.

Who developed ARTKIT, and why?#

ARTKIT was developed by data scientists and engineers at BCG X in response to the growing need for a scalable, efficient, and effective framework for testing and evaluating Gen AI systems.

We felt this need acutely in our work with clients, and we wanted to share our solution with the broader community to help accelerate the development of proficient, equitable, safe, and secure Gen AI systems.

In the end, we believe all boats rise with the tide of Responsible Gen AI. When Gen AI systems fail to deliver their intended value, it can cause far reaching harms, erode trust in AI, and slow down progress for everyone.

Is ARTKIT an effective substitute for manual testing and evaluation?#

No! We emphatically believe that manual testing and evaluation is an essential element of testing any Gen AI system that interacts with humans. Automated testing and evaluation is a powerful tool for enhancing and supplementing human efforts, but human expertise, ingenuity, and judgement is necessary to effectively map risk landscapes, develop strong tests, and disambiguate tricky evaluations.

About the name#

What is red teaming?#

The term red teaming originates from the U.S. military, where it refers to simulating attacks from an adversary to pressure test military defenses. Later, the term was adopted by the cybersecurity community to describe simulated attacks on an organization’s IT infrastructure.

In the context of Gen AI systems, we think of red teaming as being broader than adversarial attacks, because a purely adversarial focus does not capture the scope of risks presented by this technology. In particular:

  1. Harmful, undesirable behavior of Gen AI systems can arise during both adversarial and innocent usage. Thus, it is important to test both adversarial and non-adversarial inputs.

  2. Guardrails which prevent a Gen AI system from producing certain harmful outputs may simultaneously reduce the system’s proficiency in its intended domain, exposing a different set of risks. Thus, it is important to test for both harmfulness and proficiency.

For these reasons, we often describe any systematic effort to identify undesirable behavior in a Gen AI system as “red teaming”. However, given the common association of Red Teaming with adversarial threats, our official description of ARTKIT includes the phrase Red Teaming & Testing to underscore that our scope is broader than adversarial attacks.

If ARTKIT does Automated Red Teaming and Testing, shouldn’t it be called ARTTKIT?#

We acknowledge the inexactitude of our acronym and realize this might trouble our more exacting users. Our decision reflects a preference for brevity and simplicity which we hope facilitates recollection and adoption of our tool.

What does the KIT in ARTKIT stand for?#

Nothing. ARTKIT is the Automated Red Teaming (ART) and testing toolkit. We suggested calling it ARTkit, but marketing said we had to choose between “artkit” and “ARTKIT”. We thought all-caps would be more readable, so that’s how our library became ARTKIT.

Design decisions#

Why do I have to write asynchronous functions to use ARTKIT?#

Well, you only have to write asynchronous functions to work with ARTKIT’s built-in model classes. ARTKIT pipelines are perfectly capable of running synchronous steps. You will just have to create you own model classes if you wish to use ARTKIT to make synchronous API calls to our supported model providers.

This design decision is intended to nudge users towards best practices for developing pipelines which make large numbers of API calls. While asynchronous programming may be unfamiliar to some users, it is a relatively simple set of patterns to learn, and in the age of Gen AI, it is easy to get help writing asynchronous functions.

Why does ARTKIT use LLMs for everything?#

We are biased towards leveraging LLMs throughout the testing and evaluation process because of the ease of adapting LLMs to the wide variety and complexity of use cases enabled by Gen AI. While the compute has a cost, we find that these costs are often dwarfed by the direct and indirect costs of alternative options:

  1. Testing at scale with manual labor typically requires recruiting and managing a network of temporary workers

  2. Testing at scale with traditional machine learning methods is technically challenging to tailor for specific use cases

  3. NOT testing at scale leaves an organization exposed to unknown risks

Of course, LLMs are overkill for some tasks and we advocate for using the simplest approach that gets the job done. ARTKIT components can easily be customized to use non-LLM techniques. See our tutorial on Creating New Model Classes.

If you develop a component which is likely to be useful for a wide range of use cases, please consider contributing to ARTKIT! Visit our Contributor Guide for more information.


Why can’t I push a button and get fully automated report card for my Gen AI system?#

Unfortunately, when it comes to testing and evaluation, there is no free lunch. ARTKIT does not provide a “push button” solution because experience has taught us that effective testing and evaluation must be tailored to each Gen AI use case. Automation is a strategy for scaling and accelerating testing and evaluation, not a substitute for case-specific risk landscape mapping, domain expertise, and critical thinking.

Why can’t ARTKIT output a simple metric to tell me if my application is ready to launch?#

Because it isn’t possible, and we emphatically refuse to indulge in dangerous over-simplifications. Testing and evaluation metrics are influenced by too many factors and ignore too much context to be meaningful on their own. Readiness for launch depends on the quality and comprehensiveness of testing and evaluation, the diversity and severity of persistent failures, the inherent risk of the use case, and the risk tolerance of stakeholders.

In general, we recommend two criteria for deciding when enough testing has been done:

  1. The discovery rate of new system failures has plateaued, indicating diminishing returns to further testing. At this point, the remaining unresolved failures comprises residual risk in the system.

  2. The residual risk is reviewed by a committee of stakeholders and experts who decide whether the risks are acceptable. The committee should also weigh the risks against the expected benefits of deploying the system.


Can I integrate my Gen AI application into an ARTKIT pipeline?#

Yes! Provided your application has an API endpoint, you can create a custom class for sending and receiving data from your endpoint. See the tutorial on Creating New Model Classes in the ARTKIT documentation.

Does ARTKIT support testing and evaluation for multimodal systems?#

Currently, ARTKIT supports text-to-image and image-to-text models from OpenAI (see our tutorial on Generating and Evaluating Images).

If you need to connect to a model which is not supported by ARTKIT, see our tutorial on Creating New Model Classes, and please consider Contributor Guide to ARTKIT!

We also welcome contributions of multimodal examples to our Examples section, which includes end-to-end testing and evaluation examples inspired by real Gen AI use cases.


How can I contribute to ARTKIT?#

We enthusiastically welcome contributions to ARTKIT! See the Contributor Guide for information on contributing to ARTKIT.

How long will it take for my issue or pull request to get attention?#

Response times will vary based on the urgency of the issue, bandwidth of the maintainers, and complexity of proposed changes. We will make every effort to respond within 2 weeks, but cannot make guarantees. We ask for your understanding and emphasize that all contributions are appreciated even if responses sometimes come slowly.