Release Notes#

FACET 2.1#

FACET 2.1 introduces the NativeLearnerInspector for inspecting native scikit-learn models and pipelines.

We still recommend using sklearndf models and learner pipelines along with FACET’s LearnerSelector for hyperparameter tuning; however the new NativeLearnerInspector can be useful for inspecting models that have been trained using scikit-learn directly.


This is a maintenance release to catch up with FACET 2.0.1.


  • API: new NativeLearnerInspector class for inspecting native scikit-learn regressors, classifiers, and pipelines with a regressor or classifier as the final estimator

FACET 2.0#

FACET 2.0 brings numerous API enhancements and improvements, accelerates model inspection by up to a factor of 50 in many practical applications, introduces a new, more flexible and user-friendly API for hyperparameter tuning – with support for scikit-learn’s native hyperparameter searchers – and improves the styling of all visualizations.

FACET 2.0 requires pytools 2.0 and sklearndf 2.2, and is now fully type-checked by mypy.


  • API: class LearnerInspector now supports inspecting individual regressors and classifiers; it is no longer necessary to wrap them into a RegressorPipelineDF or ClassifierPipelineDF instance with empty preprocessing

  • FIX: replace a call to method get_text_heights() of matplotlib.axes.Axes, which is deprecated as of matplotlib 3.6


  • API: class Sample raises an exception if the name of any used column is not a string

  • API: class RangePartitioner supports new optional arguments lower_bound and upper_bound in method fit() and no longer accepts them in the class initializer



  • API: new FunctionInspector class for inspecting arbitrary functions, using a ExactExplainerFactory by default

  • API: LearnerInspector no longer uses learner crossfits and instead inspects models using a single pass of SHAP calculations, usually leading to performance gains of up to a factor of 50

  • API: return LearnerInspector matrix outputs as Matrix instances

  • API: diagonals of feature synergy, redundancy, and association matrices are now nan instead of 1.0

  • API: the leaf order of LinkageTree objects generated by feature_…_linkage methods of LearnerInspector is now the same as the row and column order of Matrix objects returned by the corresponding feature_…_matrix methods of LearnerInspector, minimizing the distance between adjacent leaves. The old sorting behaviour of FACET 1.x can be restored using method sort_by_weight()


  • API: LearnerSelector replaces FACET 1.x class LearnerRanker, and provides a new, more flexible and user-friendly API for hyperparameter tuning

  • API: LearnerSelector introduces support for any CV searcher implementing scikit-learn’s CV search API, including scikit-learn’s native searchers such as GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV

  • API: new classes ParameterSpace and MultiEstimatorParameterSpace offer a more convenient and robust mechanism for declaring options or distributions for hyperparameter tuning

  • API: new class LearnerSelector supports a new, more flexible and user-friendly API for hyperparameter tuning


  • API: simulations no longer depend on learner crossfits and instead are carried out as a single pass on the full dataset, using the standard error of mean predictions to obtain confidence intervals that less conservative yet more realistic

  • VIZ: minor tweaks to simulation plots and reports generated by SimulationDrawer


  • API: removed class FullSampleValidator


  • VIZ: significant updates to the styling of all visualizations, especially those generated for output of LearnerInspector, using the all-new versions of pytools matrix and dendrogram drawers

  • API: class LearnerCrossfit is no longer needed in FACET 2.0 and has been removed

  • API: support new fitted_only decorator introduced in pytools 2.1.

FACET 1.2#

FACET 1.2 adds support for sklearndf 1.2 and scikit-learn 0.24. It also introduces the ability to run simulations on a subsample of the data used to fit the underlying crossfit. One example where this can be useful is to use only a recent period of a time series as the baseline of a simulation.


  • BUILD: pin down matplotlib version to < 3.6 and scipy version to < 1.9 to ensure compatibility with pytools 1.2 and sklearndf 1.2


  • catch up with FACET 1.1.2



  • BUILD: added support for sklearndf 1.2 and scikit-learn 0.24

  • API: new optional parameter subsample in method BaseUnivariateSimulator.simulate_feature() can be used to specify a subsample to be used in the simulation (but simulating using a crossfit based on the full sample)

FACET 1.1#

FACET 1.1 refines and enhances the association/synergy/redundancy calculations provided by the LearnerInspector.


  • DOC: use a downloadable dataset in the getting started notebook

  • FIX: import catboost if present, else create a local module mockup

  • FIX: correctly identify if sample_weights is undefined when re-fitting a model on the full dataset in a LearnerCrossfit

  • BUILD: relax package dependencies to support any numpy version 1.`x` from 1.16


  • DOC: add reference to FACET research paper on the project landing page

  • FIX: correctly count positive class frequency in UnivariateProbabilitySimulator


  • API: SHAP interaction vectors can (in part) also be influenced by redundancy among features. This can inflate quantifications of synergy, especially in cases where two variables are highly redundant. FACET now corrects interaction vectors for redundancy prior to calculating synergy. Technically we ensure that each interaction vector is orthogonal w.r.t the main effect vectors of both associated features.

  • API: FACET now calculates synergy, redundancy, and association separately for each model in a crossfit, then returns the mean of all resulting matrices. This leads to a slight increase in accuracy, and also allows us to calculate the standard deviation across matrices as an indication of confidence for each calculated value.

  • API: Method LearnerInspector.shap_plot_data() now returns SHAP values for the positive class of binary classifiers.

  • API: Increase efficiency of ModelSelector parallelization by adopting the new pytools.parallelization.JobRunner API provided by pytools

  • BUILD: add support for shap 0.38 and 0.39

FACET 1.0#


  • FIX: restrict package requirements to gamma-pytools 1.0 and sklearndf 1.0, since FACET 1.0 is not compatible with gamma-pytools 1.1


This is a maintenance release focusing on enhancements to the CI/CD pipeline and bug fixes.

  • API: add support for shap 0.36 and 0.37 via a new BaseExplainer stub class

  • FIX: apply color scheme to the histogram section in SimulationMatplotStyle

  • BUILD: add support for numpy 1.20

  • BUILD: updates and changes to the CI/CD pipeline


Initial release.