
class facet.selection.LearnerSelector(searcher_type, parameter_space, cv=None, scoring=None, n_jobs=None, shared_memory=None, pre_dispatch=None, verbose=None, **searcher_params)[source]#

Select the best model obtained by fitting an estimator using different choices of hyperparameters from one or more ParameterSpace objects.


FittableMixin [Sample], ParallelizableMixin

Generic types

~T_EstimatorDF(bound= EstimatorDF), ~T_SearchCV(bound= BaseSearchCV)



  • searcher_type (Callable[..., TypeVar(T_SearchCV, bound= BaseSearchCV)]) – a cross-validation searcher class, or any other callable that instantiates a cross-validation searcher

  • parameter_space (Union[ParameterSpace[TypeVar(T_EstimatorDF, bound= EstimatorDF)], MultiEstimatorParameterSpace[TypeVar(T_EstimatorDF, bound= EstimatorDF)], Iterable[ParameterSpace[TypeVar(T_EstimatorDF, bound= EstimatorDF)]]]) – one or more parameter spaces to search; when passing multiple parameter spaces as an iterable, they are combined into a MultiEstimatorParameterSpace

  • cv (Optional[BaseCrossValidator]) – the cross-validator to be used by the searcher (e.g., RepeatedKFold)

  • scoring (Union[str, Callable[[EstimatorDF, Series, Series], float], None]) – a scoring function (by name, or as a callable) to be used by the searcher (optional; use learner’s default scorer if not specified here). If passing a callable, "score" will be used as the name of the scoring function unless the callable defines a __name__ attribute

  • n_jobs (Optional[int]) – number of jobs to use in parallel; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

  • shared_memory (Optional[bool]) – if True, use threads in the parallel runs; if False or None, use multiprocessing (default: None)

  • pre_dispatch (Union[int, str, None]) – number of batches to pre-dispatch; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

  • verbose (Optional[int]) – verbosity level used in the parallel computation; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

  • searcher_params (Any) – additional parameters to be passed on to the searcher; must not include the first two positional arguments of the searcher constructor used to pass the estimator and the search space, since these will be populated from arg parameter_space

Method summary


Search this learner selector's parameter space to identify the model with the best-performing hyperparameter combination, using the given sample to fit and score the candidate estimators.


Create a summary table of the scores achieved by all learners in the grid search, sorted by ranking score in descending order.

Attribute summary


The model which obtained the best ranking score, fitted on the entire sample.


True if this object is fitted, False otherwise.


Number of jobs to use in parallel; if None, use joblib default.


If True, use threads in the parallel runs; if False or None, use multiprocessing.


Number of batches to pre-dispatch; if None, use joblib default.


Verbosity level used in the parallel computation; if None, use joblib default.


A cross-validation searcher class, or any other callable that instantiates a cross-validation searcher, wrapped in a tuple to avoid confusion with methods


The parameter space to search.


The cross-validator to be used by the searcher.


The scoring function (by name, or as a callable) to be used by the searcher (optional; use learner's default scorer if not specified here)


Additional parameters to be passed on to the searcher.


The searcher used to fit this LearnerSelector; None if not fitted.


fit(sample, groups=None, **fit_params)[source]#

Search this learner selector’s parameter space to identify the model with the best-performing hyperparameter combination, using the given sample to fit and score the candidate estimators.

  • sample (Sample) – the sample used to fit and score the estimators

  • groups (Union[Series, ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]], Sequence[Any], None]) – group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set; passed on to the fit method of the searcher

  • fit_params (Any) – parameters to pass on to the estimator’s fit method

Return type




summary_report(*, sort_by=None)[source]#

Create a summary table of the scores achieved by all learners in the grid search, sorted by ranking score in descending order.


sort_by (Optional[str]) – name of the column to sort the report by, in ascending order, if the column is present (default: "rank_test_score")

Return type



the summary report of the grid search as a data frame

property best_estimator_: T_EstimatorDF#

The model which obtained the best ranking score, fitted on the entire sample.

Return type

TypeVar(T_EstimatorDF, bound= EstimatorDF)

cv: Optional[sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrossValidator]#

The cross-validator to be used by the searcher.

property is_fitted: bool#

True if this object is fitted, False otherwise.

Return type


parameter_space: base.BaseParameterSpace[T_EstimatorDF]#

The parameter space to search.

scoring: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[sklearndf.EstimatorDF, pandas.Series, pandas.Series], float]]]#

The scoring function (by name, or as a callable) to be used by the searcher (optional; use learner’s default scorer if not specified here)

searcher_: Optional[T_SearchCV]#

The searcher used to fit this LearnerSelector; None if not fitted.

searcher_params: Dict[str, Any]#

Additional parameters to be passed on to the searcher.

searcher_type: Tuple[Callable[[...], T_SearchCV]]#

A cross-validation searcher class, or any other callable that instantiates a cross-validation searcher, wrapped in a tuple to avoid confusion with methods