
class facet.simulation.UnivariateTargetSimulator(model, sample, *, confidence_level=0.95, n_jobs=None, shared_memory=None, pre_dispatch=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Univariate simulation of the absolute output of a regression model.

The simulation is carried out for one specific feature x[i] of a model, and for a range of values v[1], …, v[n] for f, determined by a Partitioner object.

For each value v[j] of the partitioning, a Sample of historical observations is modified by assigning value v[j] for feature x[i] for all observations, i.e., assuming that feature x[i] has the constant value v[j].

Then the regressor is used to predict the output for all observations, and the mean output across all observations is calculated for each regressor and value v[j], along with the standard error of the mean as a basis of obtaining confidence intervals.

Note that sample weights are not taken into account for simulations; each observation has the same weight in the simulation even if different weights have been specified for the sample.





  • model (BaseUnivariateSimulator) – a fitted learner to use for calculating simulated outputs

  • sample (Sample) – the sample to be used for baseline calculations and simulations

  • confidence_level (float) – the width \(\alpha\) of the confidence interval to be estimated for simulation results

  • n_jobs (Optional[int]) – number of jobs to use in parallel; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

  • shared_memory (Optional[bool]) – if True, use threads in the parallel runs; if False or None, use multiprocessing (default: None)

  • pre_dispatch (Union[int, str, None]) – number of batches to pre-dispatch; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

  • verbose (Optional[int]) – verbosity level used in the parallel computation; if None, use joblib default (default: None)

Method summary


Calculate the expectation value of the simulation result, based on historically observed actuals.


Calculate the mean of actually observed values for the target.


Simulate the average target uplift when fixing the value of the given feature across all observations.

Attribute summary


Unit of the output values calculated by the simulation.


Number of jobs to use in parallel; if None, use joblib default.


If True, use threads in the parallel runs; if False or None, use multiprocessing.


Number of batches to pre-dispatch; if None, use joblib default.


Verbosity level used in the parallel computation; if None, use joblib default.


The learner pipeline used to conduct simulations


The sample to be used in baseline calculations and simulations


The width of the confidence interval used to calculate the lower/upper bound of the simulation



Calculate the expectation value of the simulation result, based on historically observed actuals.

Return type



the expectation value of the simulation results


Calculate the mean of actually observed values for the target.

Return type



mean observed value of the target

simulate_feature(feature_name, *, partitioner, **partitioner_params)#

Simulate the average target uplift when fixing the value of the given feature across all observations.

Simulations are run for a set of values determined by the given partitioner, which is fitted to the observed values for the feature being simulated.

  • feature_name (str) – the feature to run the simulation for

  • partitioner (Partitioner[TypeVar(T_Value, bound= generic)]) – the partitioner of feature values to run simulations for

  • partitioner_params (Any) – additional parameters to pass to the partitioner

Return type

UnivariateSimulationResult[TypeVar(T_Value, bound= generic)]


a mapping of output names to simulation results

property output_unit: str#

Unit of the output values calculated by the simulation.

Return type
