Package Builds#

The build process for the PyPI and conda distributions uses the following key files:

  • generic Python script for package builds. Most configuration is imported from which is a build script that wraps the package build, as well as exposing the matrix dependency definitions specified in the pyproject.toml as environment variables

  • pyproject.toml: metadata for PyPI, build settings and package dependencies

  • tox.ini: contains configurations for tox, testenv, flake8, isort, coverage report, and pytest

  • condabuild/meta.yml: metadata for conda, build settings and package dependencies


artkit version numbering follows the semantic versioning approach, with the pattern MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The version can be bumped in the src/ by updating the __version__ string accordingly.


PyPI project metadata, build settings and package dependencies are obtained from pyproject.toml. To build and then publish the package to PyPI, use the following commands:

python artkit tox default
flit publish

Please note the following:

  • Because the PyPI package index is immutable, it is recommended to do a test upload to PyPI test first. Ensure all metadata presents correctly before proceeding to proper publishing. The command to publish to test is

    flit publish --repository testpypi

    which requires the specification of testpypi in a special .pypirc file with specifications as demonstrated here.

  • The pyproject.toml does not provide specification for a short description (displayed in the top gray band on the PyPI page for the package). This description comes from the src/ script.

  • flit which is used here to publish to PyPI, also has the flexibility to support package building (wheel/sdist) via flit build and installing the package by copy or symlink via flit install.

  • Build output will be stored in the dist/ directory.


conda build metadata, build settings and package dependencies are obtained from meta.yml. To build and then publish the package to conda, use the following commands:

python artkit conda default
anaconda upload --user BCG_Gamma dist/conda/noarch/<*package.tar.gz*>

Please note the following:

Azure DevOps CI/CD#

This project uses Azure DevOps for CI/CD pipelines. The pipelines are defined in the azure-pipelines.yml file and are divided into the following stages:

  • code_quality_checks: perform code quality checks for isort, black and flake8.

  • detect_build_config_changes: detect whether the build configuration as specified in the pyproject.yml has been modified. If it has, then a build test is run.

  • Unit tests: runs all unit tests and then publishes test results and coverage.

  • conda_tox_build: build the PyPI and conda distribution artifacts.

  • Release: see release process below for more detail.

  • Docs: build and publish documentation to GitHub Pages.

Release process#

Before initiating the release process, please ensure the version number in src/ is correct and the format conforms to semantic versioning. If the version needs to be corrected/bumped then open a PR for the change and merge into develop before going any further.

The release process has the following key steps:

  • Create a new release branch from the tag of the latest release named release/<version> where <version> is the version number of the new release

  • Create a new branch from the baseline branch (e.g., 2.0.x) named dev/<version> where <version> is the version number of the new release

  • Opening a PR to merge dev/<version> onto release/<version>. This will automatically run all conda/pip build tests via Azure Pipelines prior to allowing to merge the PR. This will trigger automatic upload of artifacts (conda and pip packages) from Azure DevOps. At this stage, it is recommended that the pip package build is checked using PyPI test to ensure all metadata presents correctly. This is important as package versions in PyPI proper are immutable.

  • If everything passes and looks okay, merge the PR using a merge commit (not squashing). This will trigger the release pipeline which will:

    • Tag the release commit with version number as specified in src/

    • Create a release on GitHub for the new version, please check the documentation for details

    • Pre-fill the GitHub release title and description, including the changelog based on commits since the last release. Please note this can be manually edited to be more succinct afterwards

    • Attach build artifacts (conda and pip packages) to GitHub release

    • Upload build artifacts to conda/PyPI using anaconda upload and flit publish, respectively

  • Remove any test versions for pip from PyPI test

  • Merge release/<version> back onto the baseline branch from which dev/<version> was branched

  • Bump up version in src/ on the baseline branch to start work towards the next release