JSON Output Validation#


When setting up ARTKIT pipelines, you’ll often want to parse multiple values from a model’s response. In these cases, prompting the model to return JSON-formatted output is incredibly useful.

Many of the best commercial models are able to reliably produce JSONs in a particular format. Some LLM providers can even guarantee a specific output format, by setting invalid token probabilities to 0 when sampling the next token.

However, if you are using a weaker model, have a high temperature, or require a complex custom format for your model response (perhaps not even JSON), it can be helpful to validate the output before passing it to the next step in the pipeline.

To support JSON formatting, ARTKIT provides the parse_json_autofix utility function. Below, we’ll show you how it works.


We’ll start with a simple example that uses a JSON output format to pass model results between pipeline steps. In this case, we’ll ask an LLM for the five most populous states, and then multiply their population by two:

import json
import logging

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import artkit.api as ak
from artkit.model.llm.util import parse_json_autofix



gpt_chat = ak.CachedChatModel(
state_prompt = """\
Given an input integer 'N', list the 'N' most populous states in the United States.

# Output Format
    "state": "<state1>",
    "population": <state1 population>,
    "state": "<state2>",
    "populate": <state2 population>,

async def get_states(n: int, llm: ak.ChatModel):
    for response in await llm.get_response(message=str(n)):
        json_response = json.loads(response)
        for item in json_response:
            # Note that the model response will always be a string, so we need to explicitly
            #   cast "population" as an into to use in later steps
            yield {"state": item["state"], "population": int(item["population"])}

def multiply_population(population: int, factor: int):
    return {"factor": factor, "multiplied_population": population * factor}

# Run the steps and print results
steps = ak.chain(
    ak.step("get_states", get_states, llm=gpt_chat.with_system_prompt(state_prompt)),
    ak.step("multiply_population", multiply_population, factor=2)
input = [{"n": 5}]
result = ak.run(input=input, steps=steps)
input get_states multiply_population
n state population factor multiplied_population
0 5 California 39538223 2 79076446
1 5 Texas 29145505 2 58291010
2 5 Florida 21538187 2 43076374
3 5 New York 20201249 2 40402498
4 5 Pennsylvania 13002700 2 26005400

If the model made small errors in the output format, the above pipeline would fail with a JSONDecodeError. We’ll handle this by calling parse_json_autofix before loading the raw model output as a JSON, which will use an LLM to attempt to fix any errors:

error_state_prompt = state_prompt + """\
\nYou must introduce a few small errors in the output format, such as adding or removing commas, colons, quotation marks.

async def get_and_validate_states(n: int, llm: ak.ChatModel):
    for response in await llm.with_system_prompt(error_state_prompt).get_response(message=str(n)):
        # Instead of calling json.loads directly, we'll pass the result to parse_json_autofix
        parsed_response = await parse_json_autofix(json=response, model=llm)
        for item in parsed_response:
            yield {"state": item["state"], "population": item["population"]}

# Run the steps and print results
error_steps = ak.chain(
    ak.step("get_states", get_and_validate_states, llm=gpt_chat),
    ak.step("multiply_population", multiply_population, factor=2)
result = ak.run(input=input, steps=error_steps)
WARNING:artkit.model.llm.util._json:Attempting to fix malformed JSON:
    state: "California",
    population: 39538223
    state: "Texas"
    population: 29145505
    "state": "Florida",
    population: "21538187"
    state: "New York",
    "population": 20201249
    state: "Pennsylvania",
    population: 12820878
input get_states multiply_population
n state population factor multiplied_population
0 5 California 39538223 2 79076446
1 5 Texas 29145505 2 58291010
2 5 Florida 21538187 2 43076374
3 5 New York 20201249 2 40402498
4 5 Pennsylvania 12820878 2 25641756

ARTKIT logs a warning that the original JSON output was malformed — however, we can see that after running parse_json_autofix, our final results are the same as in the initial run. Under the hood, parse_json_autofix sends a query to the LLM with the malformed json together with the error message, and asks the LLM to fix the error message.

Concluding remarks#

In order to enforce that an LLM’s output follows a particular format, the most reliable method is to normalize token probabilities after deterministically setting all invalid tokens’ probabilities to 0. However, this approach is infeasible for most projects, since they often do not have access to the model. For the special case of JSON and the latest OpenAI models, you can use the response_format parameter.

This notebook uses an approach that works more generally:

  • apply a parser to the output

  • show any eventual parsing errors to the LLM

  • ask the LLM to resolve the error

We have shown how to efficiently implement this approach with ARTKIT’s parse_json_autofix, which can be used to validate and fix JSON-formatted output from any LLM.

If you have other ideas on this topic, please consider contributing!