Introduction to FACET#
FACET is composed of the following key components:
Model Inspection
FACET introduces a new algorithm to quantify dependencies and interactions between features in ML models. This new tool for human-explainable AI adds a new, global perspective to the observation-level explanations provided by the popular SHAP approach. To learn more about FACET’s model inspection capabilities, see the getting started example below.
Model Simulation
FACET’s model simulation algorithms use ML models for virtual experiments to help identify scenarios that optimise predicted outcomes. To quantify the uncertainty in simulations, FACET utilises a range of bootstrapping algorithms including stationary and stratified bootstraps. For an example of FACET’s bootstrap simulations, see the getting started example below.
Enhanced Machine Learning Workflow
FACET offers an efficient and transparent machine learning workflow, enhancing scikit-learn’s tried and tested pipelining paradigm with new capabilities for model selection, inspection, and simulation. FACET also introduces sklearndf, an augmented version of scikit-learn with enhanced support for pandas dataframes that ensures end-to-end traceability of features.
Drilling a water well is dangerous and costly. Costs are driven by the time it takes to finalize a well in order to start pumping water from it. In order to reduce those costs, drillers are usually incentivised to drill at a faster pace. However, drilling faster increases risks of incident which is the reason why the Rate of Penetration (ROP) is a measure constantly monitored.
Utilizing FACET, we will:
Apply use machine learning to prevent a water well drilling operation from an incident.
Quantify how the ROP impacts the estimated risk.
Tutorial outline
Required imports#
In order to run this notebook, we will import not only the FACET package, but also other packages useful to solve this task. Overall, we can break down the imports into three categories:
Common packages (pandas, matplotlib, etc.)
Required FACET classes (inspection, selection, validation, simulation, etc.)
Other BCG GAMMA packages which simplify pipelining (sklearndf, see on GitHub) and support visualization (pytools, see on GitHub) when using FACET
Common package imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, RepeatedKFold
FACET imports
from import Sample
from facet.inspection import LearnerInspector
from facet.selection import LearnerSelector, ParameterSpace
from facet.validation import BootstrapCV
from import ContinuousRangePartitioner
from facet.simulation import UnivariateProbabilitySimulator
from facet.simulation.viz import SimulationDrawer
sklearndf imports
Instead of using the “regular” scikit-learn package, we are going to use sklearndf (see on GitHub). sklearndf is an open source library designed to address a common issue with scikit-learn: the outputs of transformers are numpy arrays, even when the input is a data frame. However, to inspect a model it is essential to keep track of the feature names. sklearndf retains all the functionality available through scikit-learn plus the feature
traceability and usability associated with Pandas data frames. Additionally, the names of all your favourite scikit-learn functions are the same except for DF
on the end. For example, the standard scikit-learn import:
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearndf.pipeline import PipelineDF
from sklearndf.pipeline import PipelineDF, ClassifierPipelineDF
from sklearndf.classification import RandomForestClassifierDF
from sklearndf.classification.extra import LGBMClassifierDF
from sklearndf.transformation.extra import BorutaDF
from sklearndf.transformation import SimpleImputerDF
pytools imports
pytools (see on GitHub) is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualization utilities, some of which are useful for visualising the advanced model inspection capabilities of FACET.
from pytools.viz.dendrogram import DendrogramDrawer, DendrogramReportStyle
from pytools.viz.distribution import ECDFDrawer
from pytools.viz.matrix import MatrixDrawer
Data and initial feature selection#
For the sake of simplicity, we use a simplified artificial dataset, it contains 500 observations, each row representing a drilling operation of the past, the target is the occurrence of drill breakdown (incident). Details and the code used to simulate this dataset can be found in the Appendix.
# load the prepared dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(
# quick look
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
Weight on bit (kg) | 289.201651 | 341.949835 | 266.831213 | 267.340585 | 305.977342 |
Rotation speed (rpm) | 10594.222670 | 6962.659505 | 11065.697315 | 7890.678632 | 12017.344224 |
Depth of operation (m) | 790.947541 | 811.833996 | 619.497649 | 1048.481202 | 613.434303 |
Mud density (kg/L) | 2.898840 | 1.677378 | 2.213403 | 2.683010 | 2.360972 |
Rate of Penetration (ft/h) | 28.403279 | 27.066685 | 30.556081 | 23.735377 | 28.502248 |
Temperature (C) | 39.539919 | 74.050548 | 45.194728 | 55.135234 | 60.585239 |
Mud Flow in (m3/s) | 50.299606 | 72.140061 | 10.908230 | 51.029350 | 44.159394 |
Hole diameter (m) | 5.369813 | 5.580490 | 4.374240 | 6.981177 | 4.217036 |
Incident | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 |
Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft) | 0.035207 | 0.036946 | 0.032727 | 0.042131 | 0.035085 |
# create a FACET sample object
drilling_obs = Sample(observations=df, target_name="Incident")
Next, we perform some initial feature selection using Boruta, a recent approach shown to have quite good performance. The Boruta algorithm seeks to identify and remove features that are no more predictive than random noise. If you are interested further, please see this article.
The BorutaDF
transformer in our sklearndf package provides easy access to this method. The approach relies on a tree-based learner, usually a random forest. For settings, a max_depth
of between 3 and 7 is typically recommended, and here we utilise the default setting of 5. However, as this depends on the number of features and the complexity of interactions, one could also explore the sensitivity of feature selection to this parameter. The number of trees is automatically managed by the
Boruta feature selector argument n_estimators="auto"
We also use parallelization for the random forest using n_jobs
to accelerate the Boruta iterations.
Index(['Weight on bit (kg)', 'Rotation speed (rpm)', 'Depth of operation (m)',
'Mud density (kg/L)', 'Rate of Penetration (ft/h)', 'Temperature (C)',
'Mud Flow in (m3/s)', 'Hole diameter (m)', 'Incident',
'Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft)'],
# wrapper class to implement Boruta feature selection
feature_selector = BorutaDF(
estimator=RandomForestClassifierDF(max_depth=5, random_state=42, n_jobs=-3),
# create a pipeline that includes some simple preprocessing (imputation) and Boruta
feature_preprocessing = PipelineDF(
steps=[("impute", SimpleImputerDF()), ("feature selection", feature_selector)]
# run feature selection using Boruta and report those selected,
print(f"Selected features: {list(feature_preprocessing.feature_names_original_.unique())}")
Selected features: ['Weight on bit (kg)', 'Rotation speed (rpm)', 'Depth of operation (m)', 'Mud density (kg/L)', 'Rate of Penetration (ft/h)', 'Hole diameter (m)', 'Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft)']
We can see that the key features that we would expect to impact the safety of the operation are included after the feature selection. A working hypothesis of how each influences the target is:
Weight on bit: we expect higher weight to increase the likelihood of a failure due to heavier equipment wear
Rotation speed: Too fast rotation speed can lead to overheating and breaking the material, too low rotation renders drilling more difficult and is not economical
Depth of operation: As a simplification we will take for granted that the deeper we dig, the denser the soil will be, increasing the likelihood of either a collapse or breaking equipment wear
Mud density: Mud density needs to match soil density to avoid well collapse (formation falling in well and blocking pipe) or mud loss (mud flowing in the formation)
Rate of Penetration: A higher ROP leads to more wear & tear of the equipment and thus we expect a positive effect
Hole diameter: Thinner wholes are used in deeper sections of the well hence usually relate to more dangerous zones
Inverse Rate of Penetration: As described by its name, this feature is the inverse of the ROP
# get original feature names
array(['Weight on bit (kg)', 'Rotation speed (rpm)',
'Depth of operation (m)', 'Mud density (kg/L)',
'Rate of Penetration (ft/h)', 'Hole diameter (m)',
'Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft)'], dtype=object)
# create a FACET sample object with features selected by Boruta
drilling_obs_reduced_featset = drilling_obs.keep(
Selecting a learner using FACET selector#
FACET implements several additional useful wrappers which further simplify comparing and tuning a larger number of models and configurations:
: allows you to pass a learner pipeline (i.e., classifier + any preprocessing) and a set of hyperparametersLearnerSelector
: multiple ParameterSpaces can be passed into this class as MultiEstimatorClassifierParameterSpace - this allows tuning hyperparameters both across different types of learners in a single step and ranks the resulting models accordingly
The following learners and hyperparameter ranges will be assessed using 5 repeated 5-fold cross-validation:
Random forest: with hyperparameters
min_samples_leaf: [8, 11, 15]
Light gradient boosting: with hyperparameters
min_child_samples: [8, 11, 15]
Note if you want to see a list of hyperparameters you can use classifier_name().get_params().keys()
where classifier_name
could be for example RandomForestClassifierDF
and if you want to see the default values, just use classifier_name().get_params()
Finally, for this exercise we will use accuracy which is the default performance metric for scoring and ranking our classifiers.
First, we specify the classifiers we want to train using ClassifierPipelineDF
from sklearndf. Note here we also include feature preprocessing steps.
# random forest learner
rforest_clf = ClassifierPipelineDF(
classifier=RandomForestClassifierDF(n_estimators=500, random_state=42),
# light gradient boosting learner
lgbm_clf = ClassifierPipelineDF(
Then we create parameter spaces with ParameterSpace
for each classifier and specify set of hyperparameters for each one of them. Contrary to standard sklearn
workflow, in this approach setting wrong hyperparameter will throw an exception as setting an attribute comes with a proper check.
rforest_ps = ParameterSpace(rforest_clf)
# random ints 8 <= x <= 19; smaller ints are more frequent (zipfian distribution)
rforest_ps.classifier.min_samples_leaf = stats.zipfian(a=1, n=12, loc=7)
lgbm_ps = ParameterSpace(lgbm_clf)
# random ints 8 <= x <= 19; smaller ints are more frequent (zipfian distribution)
lgbm_ps.classifier.min_child_samples = stats.zipfian(a=1, n=12, loc=7)
We now the LearnerSelector
using the parameter spaces defined above, which will run a gridsearch using 10 repeated 5-fold cross-validation on our selected set of features from Boruta.
# create cv iterator 5 repeated 5-fold
cv_approach = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=5, random_state=42)
# fit selector
model_selector = LearnerSelector(
parameter_space=[rforest_ps, lgbm_ps],
To see the configuration of the best selected model, we can access the best_estimator_
property of the fitted LearnerSelector
ClassifierPipelineDF( classifier=LGBMClassifierDF(min_child_samples=17, random_state=42) )In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
ClassifierPipelineDF( classifier=LGBMClassifierDF(min_child_samples=17, random_state=42) )
LGBMClassifierDF(min_child_samples=17, random_state=42)
LGBMClassifierDF(min_child_samples=17, random_state=42)
We can see how each model scored using the summary_report()
method of the LearnerSelector
# let's look at performance for the top ranked classifiers
score | candidate | param | time | |||||||
test | - | classifier | fit | score | ||||||
rank | mean | std | - | min_samples_leaf | min_child_samples | mean | std | mean | std | |
8 | 1 | 0.8544 | 0.036341 | LGBMClassifierDF | NaN | 17 | 0.015063 | 0.000635 | 0.001186 | 0.000078 |
6 | 2 | 0.8452 | 0.044732 | LGBMClassifierDF | NaN | 11 | 0.021619 | 0.001111 | 0.001393 | 0.000095 |
3 | 3 | 0.8316 | 0.044960 | LGBMClassifierDF | NaN | 8 | 0.023706 | 0.001044 | 0.001507 | 0.000059 |
9 | 3 | 0.8316 | 0.044960 | LGBMClassifierDF | NaN | 8 | 0.022872 | 0.000284 | 0.001427 | 0.000067 |
4 | 5 | 0.7648 | 0.032634 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 9 | NaN | 0.281148 | 0.012409 | 0.016739 | 0.000678 |
2 | 6 | 0.7552 | 0.034190 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 11 | NaN | 0.280517 | 0.013183 | 0.017294 | 0.001392 |
5 | 6 | 0.7552 | 0.034190 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 11 | NaN | 0.275385 | 0.012340 | 0.016589 | 0.000584 |
1 | 8 | 0.7508 | 0.032486 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 12 | NaN | 0.264602 | 0.005580 | 0.016063 | 0.000214 |
0 | 9 | 0.7488 | 0.035589 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 14 | NaN | 0.268346 | 0.011811 | 0.016440 | 0.000448 |
7 | 10 | 0.7404 | 0.035268 | RandomForestClassifierDF | 18 | NaN | 0.266838 | 0.012662 | 0.016058 | 0.000363 |
Using FACET for advanced model inspection#
The SHAP approach has become the standard method for model inspection. SHAP values are used to explain the additive contribution of each feature to the prediction for each observation (i.e., explain individual predictions).
The FACET LearnerInspector
computes SHAP values using the best model identified by the LearnerSelector
. The FACET LearnerInspector
then provides advanced model inspection through new SHAP-based summary metrics for understanding pairwise feature redundancy and synergy. Redundancy and synergy are calculated using a new algorithm to understand model predictions from a global perspective to complement local SHAP.
The definitions of synergy and redundancy are as follows:
The degree to which the model combines information from one feature with another to predict the target. For example, let’s assume we are predicting cardiovascular health using age and gender and the fitted model includes a complex interaction between them. This means these two features are synergistic for predicting cardiovascular health. Further, both features are important to the model and removing either one would significantly impact performance. Let’s assume age brings more information to the joint contribution than gender. This asymmetric contribution means the synergy for (age, gender) is less than the synergy for (gender, age). To think about it another way, imagine the prediction is a coordinate you are trying to reach. From your starting point, age gets you much closer to this point than gender, however, you need both to get there. Synergy reflects the fact that gender gets more help from age (higher synergy from the perspective of gender) than age does from gender (lower synergy from the perspective of age) to reach the prediction. This leads to an important point: synergy is a naturally asymmetric property of the global information two interacting features contribute to the model predictions. Synergy is expressed as a percentage ranging from 0% (full autonomy) to 100% (full synergy).
The degree to which a feature in a model duplicates the information of a second feature to predict the target. For example, let’s assume we had house size and number of bedrooms for predicting house price. These features capture similar information as the more bedrooms the larger the house and likely a higher price on average. The redundancy for (number of bedrooms, house size) will be greater than the redundancy for (house size, number of bedrooms). This is because house size “knows” more of what number of bedrooms does for predicting house price than vice-versa. Hence, there is greater redundancy from the perspective of number of bedrooms. Another way to think about it is removing house size will be more detrimental to model performance than removing number of bedrooms, as house size can better compensate for the absence of number of bedrooms. This also implies that house size would be a more important feature than number of bedrooms in the model. The important point here is that like synergy, redundancy is a naturally asymmetric property of the global information feature pairs have for predicting an outcome. Redundancy is expressed as a percentage ranging from 0% (full uniqueness) to 100% (full redundancy).
Note that cases can apply at the same time so a feature pair can use some information synergistically and some information redundantly.
The FACET LearnerInspector
can calculate all of this with a single method call, but also offers methods to access the intermediate results of each step. A lightweight visualization framework is available to render the results in different styles.
SHAP values from the LearnerInspector
can also be used with the SHAP package plotting functions for sample and observation level SHAP visualizations, such as SHAP distribution plots, dependency plots, force plots and waterfall plots.
model_inspector = LearnerInspector(
# quick look at feature importance
Rate of Penetration (ft/h) 0.184227
Weight on bit (kg) 0.164185
Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft) 0.163715
Rotation speed (rpm) 0.147971
Mud density (kg/L) 0.145815
Hole diameter (m) 0.104211
Depth of operation (m) 0.089876
Name: 0.0, dtype: float64
synergy_matrix = model_inspector.feature_synergy_matrix()
MatrixDrawer(style="matplot%").draw(synergy_matrix, title="Synergy")

To interpret the synergy matrix, the first feature in a pair is the row (“perspective from”), and the second feature the column. For example, let’s take the highest synergy value of 81% for the feature pair rotation speed and weight on the bit. From the perspective of rotation speed we find that 81% of the information is combined with weight on the bit to predict failure. This seems sensible in context, as drilling with both a high bit weight and a high rotation can have a disproportionately large impact on the wear of the equipment, and so drastically increase the likelihood of failure. It is understandable that the synergy is also high from the perspective of weight on the bit (70%). This also means if we want to reduce the impact of either of these factors on the likelihood of failure, we should consider them both together and not independently.
redundancy_matrix = model_inspector.feature_redundancy_matrix()
MatrixDrawer(style="matplot%").draw(redundancy_matrix, title="Redundancy")

As with synergy, the matrix row is the “perspective from” feature in the row-column feature pair. First let’s consider the feature pair (ROP, Inverse ROP). The redundancy here is similar from the perspective of either (85%) and this is because one feature is the inverse of the other and so can substitute one another in the model for predicting failure. Next let’s consider the feature pair (depth of the operation, hole diameter) which have the highest redundancies after (ROP, Inverse ROP). From the perspective of hole diameter 51% of the information is duplicated with depth of the operation to predict failure. Intuitively, we can see why, as the depth of operation and the hole diameter are highly connected as drillers use thinner drilling bits as they drill deeper into the earth.
Feature clustering#
As detailed above redundancy and synergy for a feature pair is from the “perspective” of one of the features in the pair, and so yields two distinct values. However, a symmetric version can also be computed that provides not only a simplified perspective but allows the use of (1 - metric) as a feature distance. With this distance hierarchical, single linkage clustering is applied to create a dendrogram visualization. This helps to identify groups of low distance, features which activate “in tandem” to predict the outcome. Such information can then be used to either reduce clusters of highly redundant features to a subset or highlight clusters of highly synergistic features that should always be considered together.
For this example, let’s apply clustering to redundancy to see how the apparent grouping observed in the heatmap appears in the dendrogram. Ideally, we want to see features only start to cluster as close to the right-hand side of the dendrogram as possible. This implies all features in the model are contributing uniquely to our predictions.
redundancy = model_inspector.feature_redundancy_linkage()
DendrogramDrawer().draw(title="Redundancy linkage", data=redundancy)

As expected the dendrogram shows a high redundancy (left-most feature cluster) between the ROP and the Inverse ROP, as both features compete in terms of feature importance. The dendrogram below shows that we should remove one to help orthogonalise the feature set before simulation. We could also consider removing one of Hole diameter and Depth of Operation. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will remove Inverse ROP and retain ROP, which is more interpretable.
The reason we want to engineer an orthogonal set of features is so we can use the univariate simulator. An orthogonal feature set of is needed so that the artificially created samples stay plausible. Indeed, not removing the Inverse ROP feature from the set would lead to unrealistic artificial observations while using the univariate simulator.
# remove redundant feature Inverse ROP
redundant_features = ["Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft)"]
drilling_obs_not_redundant = drilling_obs_reduced_featset.drop(feature_names=redundant_features)
model_selector_2 = LearnerSelector(
parameter_space=[rforest_ps, lgbm_ps],
model_inspector_2 = LearnerInspector(
redundancy = model_inspector_2.feature_redundancy_linkage()
DendrogramDrawer().draw(title="Redundancy linkage", data=redundancy)

Now that our feature set is looking more linearly independent, we can start making simulations to gain knowledge into how ROP will impact failure likelihood.
Note that removing the Inverse ROP has given more feature importance to the ROP, which is now the most important feature.
FACET univariate simulator: the impact of rate of penetration#
The ROP is a parameter very much monitored while drilling a well as it is a tradeoff between safety and economy, it is safer to drill at a low pace but much costlier as it takes more time. It has also the highest feature importance in our model (see dendrogram above). Let’s use a simulation to get a sense of how the failure likelihood behaves if we simulate changes in the ROP applied.
As the basis for the simulation, we divide the feature into relevant partitions:
We use FACET’s
to split the range of observed values of ROP into intervals of equal size. Each partition is represented by the central value of that partition.For each partition, the simulator creates an artificial copy of the original sample assuming the variable to be simulated has the same value across all observations - which is the value representing the partition. Using the best estimator acquired from the selector, the simulator now re-predicts all targets using the models trained on full sample and determines the mean predicted probability of the target variable resulting from this, as well as a confidence interval derived from the standard error of the mean predicted probability.
allows us to visualise the result; both in a matplotlib and a plain-text style
# set-up and run a simulation
SIM_FEATURE = "Rate of Penetration (ft/h)"
rop_bins = ContinuousRangePartitioner()
rop_simulator = UnivariateProbabilitySimulator(
rop_simulation = rop_simulator.simulate_feature(feature_name=SIM_FEATURE, partitioner=rop_bins)
SimulationDrawer().draw(data=rop_simulation, title=SIM_FEATURE)

The simulation can be used to obtain insight on failure likelihood changes depending on the ROP applied. As an example, the simulation suggests that operating with an ROP above 30ft/h can lead to an incident likelihood above 70%.
Appendix: generating the dataset#
For the sake of simplicity, we use a simplified artificial dataset, it contains 500 observations, each row representing a drilling operation of the past, the target is the occurrence of drill breakdown (incident).
# additional imports
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from typing import Union
def drilling_data_sim():
# set sample size
# set seed
# add 6 uncorrelated N(0,1) features, U(-1,1) for non-linear feature and a single surrogate linear feature
col_names = ['TwoFactor1', 'TwoFactor2', 'Linear1', 'Linear2', 'Linear3', 'Noise1']
tmp_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(size=(n, 6)), columns=col_names)
tmp_data['Nonlinear1'] = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=n))
tmp_data['Linear1_prime'] = tmp_data['Linear1'] + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, size=n)
# generate linear predictor
lp = 8 * tmp_data.TwoFactor1 * tmp_data.TwoFactor2 \
+ tmp_data.Nonlinear1 ** 3 + 2 * np.exp(-6 * (tmp_data.Nonlinear1 - 0.3) ** 2) + \
2.5 * tmp_data.Linear1 + -1.75 * tmp_data.Linear2 + 4.0 * tmp_data.Linear3
# convert to probability
prob = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-lp))
# generate target
tmp_data['target'] = np.where(prob <= np.random.uniform(size=n), 0, 1)
return tmp_data
def scale_var(df: pd.DataFrame,
feature_name: str,
min_: Union[int, float]=0,
max_: Union[int, float]=1) -> np.array:
Takes in a data frame and applies a min-max scaler to given bounds for a single column
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(min_, max_))
scaled_arr = scaler.fit_transform(df[[feature_name]]).reshape(1, -1)[0]
return scaled_arr
def refactor_dataset(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"TwoFactor1": "Weight on bit (kg)", # higher weight --> higher weight will increase risks of danger
"TwoFactor2": "Rotation speed (rpm)", # Rotation speed of the drilling bit (too fast rotation can lead to overheating, too low rotation renders drilling mnore difficult)
"Linear1": "Depth of operation (m)", # lower point of the well
"Linear1_prime": "Hole diameter (m)", # Diameter of the hole (diameter diminishes as depth increases)
"Nonlinear1": "Mud Flow in (m3/s)", # Speed of mud circulation
"Linear2": "Mud density (kg/L)", # need to have equal mud and soil density to avoid well collapse (formation falling in well and blocking pipe) or mud loss (mud flowing in the formation)
"Linear3": "Rate of Penetration (ft/h)", # higher RoP will provide less time for drilling engineers to observe real time data and adjust drilling parameter set up -> leading to a higher risk of incident (but more economic to drill faster)
"Noise1": "Temperature (C)", # Temperature at the drilling bit
"target": "Incident"
}, axis=1, inplace=True)
scaling_dict = {
'Weight on bit (kg)': [100, 500],
'Rotation speed (rpm)': [900, 15000],
'Rate of Penetration (ft/h)': [10, 40],
'Mud density (kg/L)': [0.5, 4],
'Hole diameter (m)': [0.5, 10],
'Temperature (C)': [0, 100],
'Depth of operation (m)': [0, 1500],
'Mud Flow in (m3/s)': [0, 100],
'Incident': [0, 1]
for k,v in scaling_dict.items():
df.loc[:, k] = scale_var(df, k, v[0], v[1])
df["Inverse Rate of Penetration (h/ft)"] = 1/df["Rate of Penetration (ft/h)"]
return df
# generate and save the data for the example
df = drilling_data_sim()
df = refactor_dataset(df)
df.to_csv("sphinx/source/tutorial/water_drilling_classification_data.csv", sep=";", encoding="utf-8", index=False)